Month: November 2020

Sales and Marketing : The Difference

Marketing and sales functions vary and are also very interdependent. Typically ” sales” can not surpass income goals without an effective marketing plan, and support and “marketing” rules eventually has no result without sales to implement the strategy. For small businesses, with restricted resources, there frequently is no useful difference in marketing and sales functions,

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Wellbore Cleaning Services – a Proposal for South Tongkol 1X well

by Dachnial Dan Imansyah WELL INFORMATION Operator Total E&P Indonesie Well Name Tongkol South-1X Engineer – Company Representative – Rig Name / Type Topaz Driller / Jack-up Operation Wellbore Cleanup Field / Block Trekulu Lease Name – ITT Number – Job Information PBTD 3171m MD/RT KOP – Rotary Table Elevation 105 m Water Depth +/-

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Wellbore Clean Out Services Program for Tangguh Integrated Drilling Program – a Proposal

Technical Proposal/Program – 9-7/8” Compression Set Service Packers in Conjunction with Wellbore Cleanout Equipment and Negative Test on 7” Liner Remarks: Example Program/Proposal Rev Date Modification Details Written By 0 01/25/2017 R0 Dan Imansyah Section 1.0 Introduction The following program is an example of the programs submitted to clients as part of the pre job

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