Job Analysis

What is a Job Analysis?

Job Analysis is the study to determine tasks, responsibilities and duties of positions and the characteristics of the person to fill the positions. It establishes the strategies to fulfill the organizational goals and objectives. A thorough study of a specific job will benefit both the organization and the employee. The organization will fill a vacancy with the right person and the existing or potential employee will know what the job entails and its required output. Job analysis identifies job demands and will create the right fit to match the employee with the job. Both employer and employee will understand what needs to be done, how it is done and what is to be delivered.

Job description and Job specification are essential information and writing them clearly and accurately will be useful to the employee to cope with the challenging demands of the job and this will ultimately serve the organization to ensure that all employees are fully aware of the requirements of a job.

The outcome of a Job Analysis:
– Job Description
– Job Specification

JA is done after deciding how the JA will be used and this will determine the data to be collected and how it will be collected.


  1. How will the information gathered be used
  2. Review background information ( Organization charts, Job description)
  3. Select Representative from Job Groups
  4. Analyze the Job by collecting job related data, required employee behaviors and traits/abilities needed to get the job done
  5. You will have to verify the information with the employee who is performing the job.
  6. Write the Job Description and Job Specification which is the outcome of Job analysis


It’s a joint effort by HR, the employee and the supervisor and is done after deciding how the JA will be used. This will determine what data is to be collected and the multiple sources of collecting the data.

  1. Interviews can be individually conducted or done in groups with employees undertaking similar jobs. This is an effective method of collecting data for a JA.
  2. Through Observation if the job consists of observable physical activities (e.g. nurses, factory assembly line workers). It is less appropriate if the job involves mental activity ( e.g. lawyers, engineers etc.).
  3. Diary log/pocket dictating machines & pagers are kept by workers and daily activities performed are recorded. This can be supplemented with interviews to make JA analysis more effective.

HR managers frequently combine both direct observation and interviews to gather information on Job Analysis.

The job analysis may include these activities:

  1. Reviewing the job responsibilities of current employees
  2. Doing Internet research and viewing sample job descriptions online.
  3. Analyzing the work duties, tasks, and responsibilities that need to be accomplished by the employee filling the position.
  4. Researching and sharing with other companies that have similar jobs, important outcomes or contributions needed from the position.


Information gathered from Job Analysis is used for:

  1. Creating strategies for Recruitment and Selection
    This assists HR and Management to decide on the people to hire. It also forms the foundation for developing interview questions
  2. Compensation Package, benefits and perks
    It estimates the value of the job and what compensation is to be paid. It also depends on factors such as Knowledge, Skills and Abilities, the degree of responsibility of the job in the organization’s hierarchy. It determines the worth of a job and the appropriate compensation. It ensures jobs are compensated according to the level of responsibility.
  3. Performance Management
    This determines the specific activity for the job and the performance standards. Having clear Job description provides employees with clear understanding of duties and responsibilities that are required and expected of them.
  4. Training needs of the employee.
    The Job Description will show the type of training that is required for the employee.


A written outline of the main tasks of a job:

  1. Sets out the purpose of the job.
  2. Where the job fits into the organization.
  3. Accountabilities and Responsibilities.
  4. Key tasks to be performed.

Job descriptions address the activities and responsibilities of a job. Employees will have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities and what is expected of them. It provides an account of the work and duties associated with a particular job. A Job description will generally contain the following information:

  1. the job title – the position, rank.
  2. summary description of the job.
  3. Detailed list of duties for the job
  4. a list of organizational responsibilities related to the job.
  5. Reporting structure- the role of the employee and who they report to.
  6. Salary & Benefits- starting salary, maximum , additional compensation ( sales commission, performance bonus).
  7. Other information- working hours, travel requirements, physical requirements, working conditions.

Who should write the Job Description ?

  1. An employee describing his/her own job.
  2. A supervisor describing a subordinate’s job.
  3. A Job Analyst.

The Purpose of Job Description :

  1. Establishes a position in the company.
  2. Defines the tasks and responsibilities associated with the position.
  3. Defines the decision making authority of the position.
  4. Provides transparency about job expectations to the employee.
  5. Employees are more productive as they understand the demands of the job, what is expected of them and hence will be able to work more efficiently.

The Use of Job Description :

  1. Posting or advertising a Job.
  2. Development of interview questions.
  3. To explain duties and responsibilities to new employees during orientation.
  4. Used as a basis to set measurable performance goals. Also as a tool to encourage higher performance standards i.e beyond the job description to receive rewards and recognition.
  5. To determine training needs when requirements are not met.
  6. As a basis for developing compensation plans according to level of duties and responsibilities.


The human traits and qualities for getting the job done.

Personality. Education. Skill and Experience.

The job specification takes the job description and answers the question “What human traits and experience are required to do this job effectively? This will provide insight into what kind of person to recruit.

The key components of the Job Specification
– Experience- number of years work experience required
– Education- what certifications are required for the position
– Knowledge, skills and characteristics- Attributes, technical skills, mental skills.

Job Design is a continuous process aimed at assisting employees make adjustments in the work place. The end goal is to reduce dissatisfaction whilst enhancing motivation and employee engagement at the workplace. According to Michael Armstrong, “Job Design is the process of deciding on the contents of a job in terms of its duties and responsibilities, on the methods to be used in carrying out the job, in terms of techniques, systems and procedures, and on the relationships that should exist between the job holder and his superior subordinates and colleagues”. JD refers to a way a set of tasks or an entire job is designed. JD helps to determine:

  1. What tasks are required to be done
  2. How the task is to be performed
  3. How many tasks are required to be done
  4. The order by which the task is done.
    A well designed JD will encourage feelings of achievement and self esteem. JD involves job rotation, job enlargement, and job enrichment.

Benefits of Job Design.

  1. A good Job Design enables employee feedback and will give employees the option to vary task as per their personal and social needs and circumstances in the workplace
  2. Job Design emphasizes on training people so that everyone is aware of their job demands and how it is to be performed.
  3. Job design will offer good work and rest schedule by clearly defining the work hours one has to spend on his/her job.
  4. A good Job Design allows for adjustments for physically demanding jobs by reducing the energy spent on doing the job by aligning manpower requirements for the same.

Job Evaluation is a method to compare different jobs to provide a basis for pay structure and grading. It evaluates the jobs objectively by assessing the demands of the job.

  1. It’s about calculating the worth of the job in comparison with other jobs in the organization
  2. The many jobs in any organization are ranked in terms of their relative importance
  3. The outcome of the Job Evaluation is deciding the wages and benefits of different job in an organization.

Some information terms and definitions

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