Performance Management & Performance Appraisal

Definition :
A process that organizations use to ensure that employees work towards the organizational goals which includes the following :

  • Setting (defining) employees goals
  • Training employees in order to develop their capabilities
  • Evaluate ( i.e. APPRAISE)
  • Rewards efforts
  1. Performance appraisal involves :
    – Setting work standards.
    – Assessing actual performance relative to those standards.
    – Providing feedback to the employee.
  2. The process can be formal or informal.
  3. It is a continuous process and done periodically usually on an annual basis.

Goal Setting and Performance Standards

Employee’s efforts should be goal directed as below :
– The employee’s goals and performance standards should make sense in terms of the company’s strategic goals
– The supervisor should appraise the employee based on how the person performed, with respect to achieving the specific standard, by which the employee expects to be measured.

Guidelines For Effective Goal Setting

Assign SMART goals and performance standards as below :
– Specific goals – must not be vague. Should be clear.
– Measurable – quantifiable.
– Attainable – challenging but not impossible to achieve.
– Relevant – to the employee’s area of work and the organizations business plan.
– Timely – within a reasonable period of time.

Purpose of Performance Appraisals – Need for Performance Reviews
1) Provides an opportunity to translate the organization’s mission and vision into specific achievable
2) Proactive approach as it manages performance rather than reacting to it.
3) Appraisals play a role in identifying training and development needs. It is a means for both the
employer and the employee to improve the latter’s skills.
4) Appraisals are a useful career planning tool.
5) It reinforces the strengths and helps to rectify weaknesses of the employee.

Why Conduct Performance Reviews

The Appraisal Process – Steps in Appraising Performance

Step 1 – Define the Job

Make sure that you and your subordinate agree on his duties and job standards.

Step 2 – Appraise Performance

Comparing subordinate’s actual performance to the standards that have been set – usually involves some kind of rating.

Step 3 – Provide Feedback

One or more feedback sessions required. Discuss performance and plan for training and development.

Performance Measure

Performance appraisal is only meaningful when the efforts of the employees can be measure.

Tools for Performance Appraisal – Method

  1. Essay Appraisal Method

This is a traditional form of appraisal, also known as “Free Flow Method”. Involves description of the employee’s work performance citing example. Major drawback is possible bias or prejudice of the appraiser.

2. Straight Ranking Method

Probably the oldest and simplest technique of performance appraisal. The appraiser ranks the employee from best to poorest based on their overall performance.

3. Graphic Rating Scale Method

This is the simplest ad most popular technique. The scale lists a number of traits (eg. Quality and Reliability) and a range of performance values (Outstanding, Very Good, Good, Improvement Needed, Unsatisfactory) for each trait. The employee is then rated by identifying the score that best describes his level of performance for each trait.

4. Alternation Ranking Method

A popular method that involves ranking employees from best to worst on a particular trait, choosing highest, then lowest, until all are ranked.

5. Paired Comparison Method

This method compares each employee with all others in a group, one at a time. After all the comparisons on the basis of the overall comparisons, the employee is given the final rating.

6. Critical Incident Method

Keeping a log of uncommonly good or undesirable examples (both positive and negative) of an employee’s work-related behavior and reviewing it with the employer at predetermined times (e.g. every three or six months). This continuous review of the incidents offers an advantage of this method compared to other methods. Drawback of this method is that the appraiser has to make a note of the critical incidents and the employee behavior as and when they occur.

Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale (BARS)

An appraisal method that aims at combining the benefits of narrative critical incidents and quantified ratings by anchoring a quantified scale with specific narrative examples of good and poor behavior. This method involves five steps.

a. Generate critical incidents.

b. Develop performance dimensions e.g. salesmanship.

c. Reallocate incidents.

d. Scale the incidents.

e. Develop a final instrument.

Advantage of BARS : It is more accurate gauge with clearer standards.

Management By Objectives (MBO)

Involves setting specific measurable goals with each employee and then periodically reviewing the progress made. essentially the essence of MBO is participative goal setting.

There are 3 problems in using MBO.

a. If the objectives are unclear and unmeasurable then this method will be useless.

b. MBO is time-consuming.

c. It can turn into a tug-of-war with the employee seeking lower quotas and the supervisor seeking higher quotas.

Forced Distribution

This method is similar to grading on a curve. It is used widely in schools commonly referred to as Bell Curve. With this method, employees are placed based on predetermined percentages of rates into performance categories. This method eliminates the element of bias from the appraiser’s ratings.

360° Feedback

This is a multi rater feedback where the employee is appraised by his superiors, subordinates, co-workers and customers, also including the employee’s own feedback. Disadvantages of this method is time consuming and results can be manipulated.

The Checklist Method

In this method, the appraiser uses a checklist which describes the job performance of a particular activity/routine. This description is by way of various statements on how the job has been handled by the employee. The appraiser checks the most appropriate description against which rating is given. for example :

a. Can handle the job independently without referring to supervisor.

b. Can handle the job independently most of the time but occasionally has to refer to the supervisor.

c. Can handle the job but very frequently referring to the supervisor.

d. Requires supervisor’s assistance all the time.

e. Unable to handle the job even with supervisor’s assistance.

Computerized and Web Based Performance Appraisal

Latest method in appraising. Uses performance appraisal software which electronically rates employees on a series of performance traits.

Some of these programs are :

  1. Employee Appraisal (developed by Austin-Hayne Corporation)
  2. Performance (by Knowledge Point)

There is now a preference in larger organizations to move towards the electronic performance appraising as it will interface with various dimensions actual work output by employee. This will allow periodic review as well as faster access to the information.

Challenge in Conducting Performance Appraisal

Challenge may arise stem from the following :

 Unclear standards – An appraisal that is too open to interpretation. Standards are ambiguous – different supervisors will rate the employee differently resulting in unfair appraisals. Define what is “Outstanding”, “Superior”, “Good”, “ Fair.”
 Halo Effect – In performance appraisal, the problem that occurs when a supervisor’s rating of a subordinate on one trait biases the rating of that person on another trait ( i.e. view other traits favorably too).
 Horn effect – Opposite of halo effect – here the view is unfavorable.
 Central Tendency – A tendency to rate all employees the same way, such as rating them all average.
 Leniency or Strictness – The problem that occurs when a supervisor has a tendency to rate all subordinates either too high or too low.
 Bias – The tendency to allow individual differences such as age, race and sex to affect the appraisal the appraisal ratings employees receive.
 Recent effect – Focus and weightage on recent performance rather than the performance for the hole period.
 First Impression – The appraisal is done based on the first impression of the employee – it can be either a positive or a negative one.
 Stereotype – Mental picture of the appraisee based on gender or age or race etc – can be favorable or unfavorable.
 Inexperienced appraiser – An appraiser who has not been trained can conduct an unfair appraisal which may be detrimental to the appraisee’s prospects in the organization. In doing so, he may be the cause of the appraisee not receiving his just rewards.
 Blame Game – When the section has under-delivered, some supervisors may blame the subordinates for the failure.
 Playing favorites – Unfortunately, this is a common complaint from appraisees, who see non-deserving employees promoted or enjoying good rewards, just because they are “close” or “related” to the appraiser.

Conducting An Effective Performance Appraisal

 Prepare for the interview
 Assemble the data – study the data, compare performance to the desired standards
 Prepare the employee – give at least one(1) week’s notice
 Choose the time and place – mutually agreed time in a private place with no interruptions

4 things to bear in mind when conducting interview
1) Talk in terms of objective work data
2) Don’t get personal
3) Encourage the appraisee to talk
4) Don’t tiptoe around

How to Handle Difficult Employees During The Appraisal Interview

  1. A Defensive Employee

This reaction arises form a feeling of denial e.g when he is informed that his performance is poor. Suggestions on how to handle this situation are :

 Recognize and be aware that the defensive behavior is normal
 Never attack an employee’s defenses.
 Postpone action, if necessary
 Recognize your own limitations – you are not a psychologist.

2. An Angry Employee

Allow him to give vent to his anger as long as there is no abusive language – remember that the employee is disappointed and anger is a natural reaction. Given time, he will calm down.
 Do NOT under any circumstances lose your own anger as this will aggravate the situation.
 Use your discretion – if necessary postpone the interview OR request another colleague or your superior to join the interview.

3. How to Ensure that the Interview Leads to Improved Productivity

Allow the employee to have the opportunity to present his ideas and feelings during the interview.
– Identify the gaps. Look at job related problems and develop an action plan to overcome them.
– It is important to provide the necessary support, tools and training.
– There must be continuous and periodic review to ensure that the desired improvements are taking place.

Outcome of Appraisal

  1. Performance exceeds expectations
  2. Performance meets with expectations
  3. Performance not up to expectations – measures to be taken to correct deficiencies e.g. training
  4. Performance unsatisfactory – requires counseling. If this continues, then to consider stricter measures including termination.


 Performance Management is a process that organizations use to ensure that employees work towards the organization goals.
 Performance Appraisal involves evaluating the employee’s current and/or past performance relative to his performance standards.
 The supervisor must define the employee’s goals clearly so that the same are specific, measurable, and challenging but doable.
 There are three (3) steps in the appraisal process viz defining the job, appraising the performance and providing feedback.
 There are various tools for performance appraisals – twelve(12) of which have been outlined in this topic.
 There are various challenges that may arise during the performance appraisal process and the appraiser has to remain unbiased and remain objective when undertaking the performance review of his subordinate. By doing so, the appraisal will be a fair and meaningful one.
 When conducting an appraisal interview, the following must be observed.
 Talk in terms of objective work data.
 Don’t get personal.
 Encourage the appraisee to talk.
 Don’t tiptoe around.


Performance Assessment and Management

The Components of An Effective Performance Management Process comprises of the following:

1) Direction sharing means communicating the organization’s higher-level goals (including its vision, mission, values and strategy) throughout the organization and then translating these into doable departmental goals.
2) Role clarification means clarifying each employee’s role in terms of his or her day-to-day work.
3) Goal setting and planning means translating organizational and departmental goals into specific goals for each employee.
4) Goal alignment means having a process in place that allows any manager to see the link between an employee’s goals and those of the organization.
5) Ongoing performance monitoring includes using computer based systems that are able to measure an employee’s progress in terms of meeting his annual goals – and which will then email the same to the employee.
6) Ongoing feedback includes both face-to-face and computer-based feedback regarding progress made by the employee towards meeting the specific goals.
7) Performance assessment ( also known as performance appraisal) is just one element in the performance management process. The latter’s focus should be on planning and influencing on how the employee’s performance will impact the company’s results positively viz improved performance.
8) Rewards, recognition and compensation – are a post appraisal result of the performance appraisal – which help to keep the employee’s goal-directed performance on track.

Effective Performance Management System

1) The system must be acceptable to the employees (please refer to the case study on Xerox Corporation) It should not be biased towards any particular gender, race, groups, age or teams. It must be ethical in its process and should not create any dissension amongst the employees.
2) The supervisors should have been trained and must be familiar with the system.
3) An ideal PM system is one that solves problems and issues and not one that looks for someone to blame.
4) An effective PM system is one that results in increased productivity and job satisfaction leading to lower incidence of employee turnover.

Performance Appraisal

Assessing employee performance is an integral part of the work of the department that all managers must perform throughout the year. This is a very important exercise which has benefits for both the employer as well as the employees, as follows:
1) This can be used to develop an action plan to correct any deficiencies that the appraisal may have unearthed.
2) It is useful for career planning purposes by providing opportunity to review the employee’s career plan in the light of his strengths and weaknesses.
3) The appraisal effects the employer’s salary raise and promotion decisions.

Most organizations stress on the importance of annual performance appraisals and budgets are set aside to ensure that the appraisers are trained in the right way of handling appraisals. If appraisals are not carried out in the proper manner, the result is as good as not having done the appraisal – in fact such appraisals are detrimental to the employee’s career development and will lead to dissatisfied and disgruntled employees.
An important aspect of performance management and appraisal is that employees should always have the opportunity to have meaningful input into the goals they are to achieve.
Ideally, what to appraise and how to appraise it will be obvious from the job description. For the criteria to appraise, the job description should list the job’s duties or tasks, including how critical each is to the job and how often it’s performed.
Who should do the appraising? The immediate supervisor is usually in the best position to observe and evaluate the subordinate’s performance. He or she also is typically responsible for that person’s performance.
What to appraise and how to appraise it will be obvious from the job description. The job description should list the job’s duties or tasks, including how critical each is to the job, and how often it’s performed.

Do five things to have effective appraisals.

Appraisals can be more effective by following these five guidelines:

  1. Know the problem
  2. Use the right appraisal tool
  3. Keep a diary
  4. Get agreement on a plan
  5. Be fair
    For this learning objective, the best advice is to use common sense. Find out the real problem and use the right tool to address it. Keep a record, agree on a plan, be fair, and be aware of legal issues.
    For this learning objective, the best advice is to use common sense. Find out the real problem and use the right tool to address it. Keep a record, agree on a plan, be fair, and be aware of legal issues.
    To perform an effective appraisal interview, the supervisor and subordinate review the appraisal and make plans to remedy deficiencies and reinforce strengths.
    Supervisors face four types of appraisal interviews, each with its unique objectives:
    1) Satisfactory – Promotable This is the easiest interview, the objective is to make development plans.
    2) Satisfactory – Not Promotable This type of interview has the objective of maintaining performance when promotion is not possible.
    3) Unsatisfactory – Correctable This has the objective to plan correction via the development and successful implementation of an action plan.
    4) Unsatisfactory – Cannot be corrected. Warnings and counseling will need to be considered.
    Be realistic and honest when giving an appraisal. It is important that a manager be candid when a subordinate is underperforming. Focus on specifics and allow opportunities to improve.

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